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US-China Relations

27 June 2023

US-Taiwan-G7 Leaders: Building trade partnerships and mitigating risk from China

As the US and Taiwan foster closer trading partnerships and increased bilateral trade flows, China has retaliated with sanctions on US and Taiwanese companies and has conducted military drills near the island, as growing trade tensions threaten to spill over into military tensions, increasing the risk of sea and air miscalculations.
20 June 2023

G7 Leaders discuss China at recent summit

During the recent G7 leaders’ summit in Japan, President Biden commented on US-China relations during a press conference which were picked up by international media: Biden sees shift in ties with China shortly.
08 June 2023

China’s amended Counterespionage Law is creating an unpredictable risk environment for US companies

Despite promoting foreign investment, China’s introduction of its amended Counter Espionage Law is “spooking” both foreign investors, as well as the foreign local business community after a spate of local US office closures and the detention of foreign executives.
01 June 2023

China, Taiwan and the US – Pamir’s analysts assess Taiwan Strait tensions

At the end of March The Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world, reported that Americans are increasingly worried about China-Taiwan tensions. According to Pew, 47% of US adults say tensions between mainland China and Taiwan are a very serious problem for their country, up 4% since October 2022 and 19% since February 2021.
01 June 2023

China Update - Blinken-Wang meeting does nothing to reverse the deteriorating trend of US-China relations -1 March 2023

Executive Briefs
Beijing believes the Biden administration wants to force China to serve a US agenda. The Chinese leadership perceives Washington’s measures – supporting Taiwan independence, inhibiting trade, increasing military pressure around China, and imposing a technology blockade – as efforts to undermine China’s development.
23 May 2023

US and China up the ante on export controls

Both sides are expanding and tightening export control enforcement of sensitive technologies and export violations that threaten national security in the escalating technology race between China and the West.
16 May 2023

China Update - Absence of top-level comms hinders US and China from mitigating risk - 16 February 2023

Executive Briefs
China has taken an increasingly confrontational stand against the US in the wake of the spy balloon incident, accusing the US of engaging in “information and public opinion warfare.”
01 May 2023

China Update - Pentagon’s comments on China confirm timeline for potential hostilities is contracting - 1 February 2023

Executive Briefs
Minihan’s memo and the ‘first island chain’ General Mike Minihan, Commander of the US Air Mobility Command (AMC), sent out a memo on 27 January telling his troops, “I hope I am wrong, my gut tells me [China and US] will fight in 2025,” as first reported by NBC News.
20 April 2023

Taiwan Update - US Taiwan Enhancement Resilience Act (TERA) substantially strengthens US-Taiwan military cooperation - 20 January 2023

Executive Briefs
The Taiwan Enhancement Resilience Act (TERA), signed by President Biden on 23 December 2022 as part of the Fiscal 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), represents a significant increase in US military support to Taiwan and quickly drew condemnation from China.
28 March 2023

China and Brazil strengthen strategic trade and investment partnership

China’s interest in Brazil and Latin America beyond is part of its ongoing Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which aims to extend China’s influence across Latin America and more broadly the Global South. Brazilian President Lula da Silva is eager to strengthen economic ties with China.
15 March 2023

Taiwan: “The red line”

For Beijing, Taiwan is “the very core of China's core interests [and] the first red line that must not be crossed in China-US relations”. The US and its allies view the Taiwan Strait as a potential “choke point” for the global supply chain, while the Taiwan population is wary of provoking Beijing.
15 March 2023

Semiconductors: The new global battlefield

Far-reaching US measures to sanction China’s developing semiconductor industry have already had extensive implications for the global supply chain. As chips power every device we own – from smart TVs to communication satellites – a new global battleground is being drawn.
09 March 2023

The rise of Chinese state-sponsored cyber-attacks feeds growing US national security concerns

The global cyber security landscape has seen increasing threats over the last few years. The COVID pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and heightened US-China tensions over Taiwan have all provided fertile ground for cyberattacks against businesses and individuals.

Pamir opinion: U.S.-China competition in building critical elements supply chains intensifies

Growing commercial and government concerns are intensifying U.S. efforts to diversify its critical minerals and rare earth elements supply chains as it’s far too reliant on imports, particularly from China.

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17 September 2024

US, Japan and the Philippines launch Luzon Economic Corridor to attract G7 countries and expand economic influence in Southeast Asia

The US and Japan have launched an ambitious $100 billion initiative in the Philippines that is now drawing interest from the UK and other G7 nations. It offers the potential for greater US influence in Southeast Asia as well as access to essential elements used for battery, clean energy, and semiconductor applications.
11 September 2024

China’s Nuclear Reactors and the Race to Clean Energy

Last month, Chinese premier Li Qiang approved just over $33 billion in funding for the construction of 11 new nuclear reactors in five coastal provinces. This approval is representative of Beijing’s general push in recent years toward decarbonization of its energy industry.
29 August 2024

Tensions in the South China Sea Remain High Despite China-Philippines Agreement

In July, Beijing and Manila reached an agreement on a “provisional arrangement” over the Philippines’ resupply missions to the Second Thomas Shoal with the hope of de-escalating the situation in the South China Sea.
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