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China Economy

26 January 2024

China’s 2024 Economic Roadmap Toward Self-Reliance

China’s annual Central Economic Work Conference (CEWC) held on 12-13 December 2023 analyzed China’s economic situation and concluded that favorable conditions outweighed unfavorable factors in China’s development and that the fundamental trend of economic recovery has a positive long-term outlook.
26 January 2024

China Lifts Boeing 737 MAX Ban, but Scrutiny Increases

Boeing seemed poised to resume aircraft deliveries to China, but the recent Alaska Airlines incident and reported mechanical failures involving US Secretary of State Blinken’s 737 aircraft almost certainly will lead to greater technical scrutiny and possible delays.
25 January 2024

China Gains Competitive Edge in Sodium-Ion EVs

On 5 January Anhui Jianghua Automobile (JAC) began deliveries of its Yiwei electric vehicle, which it claims is the world’s first mass-produced car powered by a sodium-ion battery.
25 January 2024

US Seeks To Deter Use of Chinese EV Batteries

Beijing has criticized as “protectionist” the December 2023 US decision to deny tax credits to electric vehicles equipped with battery minerals or components originating from “Foreign Entities of Concern”; designated countries are China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.
22 January 2024

Taiwan’s Economic Decoupling From China Gains Traction

Taiwan’s policy of economic decoupling from China has resulted in the weakening of Taiwan’s economic ties to China, even though China remains Taiwan’s largest export destination and source of imports.
19 January 2024

China faces technological self-sufficiency challenges as U.S. tightens export controls on AI-capable chips

New U.S. rules expand and strengthen existing export restrictions on advanced chips, and particularly those with AI capabilities, as China grapples with developing technological self-sufficiency.
18 January 2024

New Chinese Government Oversight of Pharma and Semiconductors

 On 1 January China’s new national-level intellectual property (IP) protection policy went into effect, giving local governments more autonomy for IP management and administration, as well as delineating central government responsibilities for IP protection.
16 January 2024

Pamir Strategic Insights Issue 3: China condemns Taiwan's Presidential Election results

Beijing’s disinformation campaigns combined with economic and military pressure failed to influence the outcome of Taiwan’s presidential election in favor of the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) party.
05 January 2024

US-China economic talks lead to “three important consensuses”

Following a series of high-level bilateral talks in November, notably between US Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen and Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China HE Lifeng, and Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping, both countries are making progress in maintaining a working economic relationship.
07 December 2023

Detainment of Kroll executive in Hong Kong causes further concerns over investments and business in China

It is becoming increasingly difficult for Western companies to do business in China over Beijing’s nebulous definition of what constitutes the state’s concerns around “national security”.
05 September 2023

China Update - China—Central Asia Summit - 5 June 2023

Executive Briefs
China hosted presidents from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan for the inaugural China-Central Asia Summit.
01 September 2023

China Update - G7 and China positions - 1 June 2023

Executive Briefs
On 22 March Chinese President XI Jinping concluded a three-day state visit to Moscow that saw China and Russia sign 14 joint statements and agreements.
29 August 2023

US to restrict select private-sector investments in sensitive Chinese technologies over national security concerns

In an unprecedented move, the US Treasury will be given powers to monitor and restrict select US private-sector investments in Chinese sensitive technologies, specifically those that could advance China’s military, intelligence, surveillance, or cyber-related agendas.
23 August 2023

Is recent US-China diplomacy a sign of thawing relations?

A series of three meetings between senior US and China officials and diplomats failed to deliver any concrete results, but is it a sign that both parties are willing to open the lines of communication?

Resource Library

17 September 2024

US, Japan and the Philippines launch Luzon Economic Corridor to attract G7 countries and expand economic influence in Southeast Asia

The US and Japan have launched an ambitious $100 billion initiative in the Philippines that is now drawing interest from the UK and other G7 nations. It offers the potential for greater US influence in Southeast Asia as well as access to essential elements used for battery, clean energy, and semiconductor applications.
11 September 2024

China’s Nuclear Reactors and the Race to Clean Energy

Last month, Chinese premier Li Qiang approved just over $33 billion in funding for the construction of 11 new nuclear reactors in five coastal provinces. This approval is representative of Beijing’s general push in recent years toward decarbonization of its energy industry.
29 August 2024

Tensions in the South China Sea Remain High Despite China-Philippines Agreement

In July, Beijing and Manila reached an agreement on a “provisional arrangement” over the Philippines’ resupply missions to the Second Thomas Shoal with the hope of de-escalating the situation in the South China Sea.
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