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China Economy

17 September 2024

US, Japan and the Philippines launch Luzon Economic Corridor to attract G7 countries and expand economic influence in Southeast Asia

The US and Japan have launched an ambitious $100 billion initiative in the Philippines that is now drawing interest from the UK and other G7 nations. It offers the potential for greater US influence in Southeast Asia as well as access to essential elements used for battery, clean energy, and semiconductor applications.
27 August 2024

Is Sustainable AI possible?

Analyst Papers
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are set to revolutionize technological innovation, transform industries and business operations, and create unforeseen new use cases and applications for consumers and enterprises alike. Its impact will be so widespread that some industry observers have likened it to the Industrial Revolution.
06 August 2024

Beijing’s Technology-Driven Agenda Benefits China’s Defense Sector

The decisions of the recent Third Plenum of the Central Committee of the 20th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) prioritized China’s technology-driven policy agenda, despite the country’s struggling economy facing structural challenges such as an aging and declining population, a real estate bubble, and high youth unemployment.
10 July 2024

China ups the ante by placing export controls on specific aviation and aerospace components

As China sees an opportunity to push its ‘Air Silk Road’ initiative, Beijing places export controls on aerospace and aviation components.
03 July 2024

What should you do if you suspect IP theft or counterfeiting of your products in China?

China has been identified as the epicenter of the counterfeit electronics trade. But it impacts other products, including toys, healthcare supplies, apparel, footwear, to name a few, as well as brand theft.
02 July 2024

An Analysis of China’s fledgling aviation industry

Analyst Papers
COMAC’s new C919 – China’s first domestically manufactured commercial airliner – marks a milestone in the history of the nation’s aviation industry. However, China’s plans to disrupt the global aviation industry and compete with the Airbus/Boeing industry duopoly faces multiple challenges. Pamir analyzes the implications and assesses the risks of China’s new-found expertise in the global aviation ecosystem.
12 June 2024

Investing in China. Minimizing risk and maximizing opportunities.

Despite perceptions to the contrary, China still offers significant market and investment opportunities. However, it also brings risk and complication, which means that US companies need to make well-informed decisions.
11 June 2024

Rising US Concerns Over China Challenge in US-Mexico Trade Relations

As US-Mexico trade increases, Washington’s concerns that Mexico serves as a transit point for Chinese goods to the US are rising.
21 May 2024

Xi Jinping Advances China’s Agenda with Serbia and Hungary

Chinese President XI Jinping visited Serbia and Hungary on 8-9 May for the final leg of his first trip to Europe since 2019. Xi’s visits advanced China’s agenda of leveraging EU divisions and amplifying a shared authoritarian agenda with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, especially as China-EU tensions rise.
03 May 2024

China’s Quantum Encryption Advantage Poses Risks

China’s successful development of post-quantum cryptography techniques has profound implications for US businesses and national security.
25 April 2024

China’s Overcapacity Risks Strain US-China Relations and Global Economy

Pamir assesses that strong disagreements between Washington and Beijing will persist on the risks China’s excess capacity poses to US-China relations and the global economy.   
23 April 2024

US-China Tensions Persist Despite Biden-Xi Call 

Pamir observes that US and Chinese official readouts indicate that fundamental disagreements on priority issues – Taiwan, the South China Sea, trade, and technology –continue to strain the relationship. US-China relations are likely to remain turbulent for the rest of 2024. 
26 March 2024

Apple Maintains Top China Market Position Despite Declining Sales

Apple continues to maintain market dominance in China, despite the decline in iPhone sales in the first weeks of 2024. The iPhone is likely to maintain its technological superiority amid intensifying competition with Chinese rivals.
20 March 2024

Chinese Communist Party Under Xi Jinping Broadens Command

The National People’s Congress (NPC) has codified the subordination of the State Council, China’s central government, to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The weakening of Premier LI Qiang, the head of government, relative to President XI Jinping signals the CCP’s broadening command over the central government.
18 March 2024

China Doubles Down on Technology-Based Development

The recent meeting of the National People’s Congress (NPC) stressed the importance of science and technology development for China in 2024.

Resource Library

17 September 2024

US, Japan and the Philippines launch Luzon Economic Corridor to attract G7 countries and expand economic influence in Southeast Asia

The US and Japan have launched an ambitious $100 billion initiative in the Philippines that is now drawing interest from the UK and other G7 nations. It offers the potential for greater US influence in Southeast Asia as well as access to essential elements used for battery, clean energy, and semiconductor applications.
11 September 2024

China’s Nuclear Reactors and the Race to Clean Energy

Last month, Chinese premier Li Qiang approved just over $33 billion in funding for the construction of 11 new nuclear reactors in five coastal provinces. This approval is representative of Beijing’s general push in recent years toward decarbonization of its energy industry.
29 August 2024

Tensions in the South China Sea Remain High Despite China-Philippines Agreement

In July, Beijing and Manila reached an agreement on a “provisional arrangement” over the Philippines’ resupply missions to the Second Thomas Shoal with the hope of de-escalating the situation in the South China Sea.
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