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Doing Business in China

06 August 2024

How to create and execute the optimum China investment strategy

With growing foreign direct investment in China, it’s essential that U.S. companies get their China investment strategy right to minimize risk and maximize reward. Fortunately, Pamir are experts in guiding U.S. companies with their China investment strategy.
30 July 2024

How does Pamir help get your China business strategy right?

As trade tensions between the United States and China escalate, it’s essential to get your China business strategy right. Pamir has decades of experience as a China business strategy partner to hundreds of U.S. companies.
16 July 2024

The forthcoming U.S. BIOSECURE Act is already making an impact on the China business strategy of global pharmaceutical companies. What are the implications for your China risk exposure?

Biopharmaceutical companies worldwide have expressed their intentions to continue investing in China. However, the forthcoming U.S. BIOSECURE Act means that many are proactively reassessing their China business strategies. Pamir has been working with pharma
14 May 2024

China’s MSS Issues Procedural Rules for Law Enforcement and Criminal Cases

China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) published two new regulations regarding procedures for law enforcement and processing of criminal cases on 26 April. Both regulations have the force of law and will go into effect on 1 July 2024.
06 March 2024

USTR Report Details Beijing’s Non-Market Practices 

Two decades of participation in the World Trade Organization have failed to alter China’s centralized approach of pursuing trade policies and practices that advantage Chinese economic interests.
01 March 2024

China Risks Drive Taiwan’s Declining Investments 

Once a mainstay of Taiwan investment, China has become increasingly unattractive to small- and medium-sized businesses that now seek to pull out completely within five years and invest elsewhere.
23 February 2024

Beijing Tightens Financial Oversight

Pamir posits that the appointment of WU Qing as the new chair of the China Securities Regulatory Commission signals further tightening of financial oversight and an attempt to restore order in China’s financial industry. 
13 February 2024

China Pharma Market Demand for Diabetes and Weight Loss Drugs Expands

On 26 January China’s National Medical Products Administration announced that it had approved Novo Nordisk’s Rybelsus treatment for Type-2 diabetes, making it the first orally administrated GLP-1 receptor agonist drug available in the burgeoning Chinese market.
12 February 2024

China Ups Ante in Quantum Computing Global Competition

Chinese scientists believe the success of domestic firm Origin Quantum’s computer development has given China “a ticket” to global quantum computing competition, despite restrictions imposed by the US on quantum computing chip and technology exports.
07 February 2024

Who is China’s Presumptive New Foreign Minister Liu Jianchao?

China is likely to announce the appointment of a new foreign minister in March, but the appointee may find his authority circumscribed by highly centralized policymaking.
26 January 2024

China’s 2024 Economic Roadmap Toward Self-Reliance

China’s annual Central Economic Work Conference (CEWC) held on 12-13 December 2023 analyzed China’s economic situation and concluded that favorable conditions outweighed unfavorable factors in China’s development and that the fundamental trend of economic recovery has a positive long-term outlook.
18 January 2024

New Chinese Government Oversight of Pharma and Semiconductors

 On 1 January China’s new national-level intellectual property (IP) protection policy went into effect, giving local governments more autonomy for IP management and administration, as well as delineating central government responsibilities for IP protection.
07 December 2023

Detainment of Kroll executive in Hong Kong causes further concerns over investments and business in China

It is becoming increasingly difficult for Western companies to do business in China over Beijing’s nebulous definition of what constitutes the state’s concerns around “national security”.
19 October 2023

China fines US company Mintz for illegal activities, prompting investor concerns

As China attempts to revive its economy, a raft of measures including tighter counter-espionage laws, raiding the offices of US advisory firms, changes to cybersecurity rules, and blocking the export of Chinese data, is damaging investor confidence in the world’s second-largest economy.
09 August 2023

NATO angers China. France blocks NATO liaison office in Tokyo

Beijing criticized NATO’s calling out China’s aggressive behavior and disruption of a rules- based world order, further raising tensions between China and NATO member states. China is attempting to exploit divisions within NATO to halt the alliance’s expansion into the Indo-Pacific.

Resource Library

17 September 2024

US, Japan and the Philippines launch Luzon Economic Corridor to attract G7 countries and expand economic influence in Southeast Asia

The US and Japan have launched an ambitious $100 billion initiative in the Philippines that is now drawing interest from the UK and other G7 nations. It offers the potential for greater US influence in Southeast Asia as well as access to essential elements used for battery, clean energy, and semiconductor applications.
11 September 2024

China’s Nuclear Reactors and the Race to Clean Energy

Last month, Chinese premier Li Qiang approved just over $33 billion in funding for the construction of 11 new nuclear reactors in five coastal provinces. This approval is representative of Beijing’s general push in recent years toward decarbonization of its energy industry.
29 August 2024

Tensions in the South China Sea Remain High Despite China-Philippines Agreement

In July, Beijing and Manila reached an agreement on a “provisional arrangement” over the Philippines’ resupply missions to the Second Thomas Shoal with the hope of de-escalating the situation in the South China Sea.
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China strategy?

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